The Future Looks Bright, But I Might Wear Shades
Published: Mon, 11/01/21
Hello Folks, Happy November 1st! We have some kind of crazy news for you. Please tune in to the Diwali (festival of lights) celebrations on November…
General emails and updates on Ashtanga Yoga New York
Published: Mon, 11/01/21
Hello Folks, Happy November 1st! We have some kind of crazy news for you. Please tune in to the Diwali (festival of lights) celebrations on November…
Published: Tue, 10/26/21
Hello Folks, I hope this email finds you well, and you have been enjoying the first two days of the pranayama intensive. Here is the link for all of…
Published: Tue, 10/26/21
(Para la traducción en español favor de leer abajo.) Hello Folks, Please find enclosed the first video of the pranayama intensive. We had terrible…
Published: Sun, 10/24/21
(Para la traducción en español favor de leer abajo.) Dear All, Thank you for signing up for this week’s pranayama intensive. The link for the entire…
Published: Sat, 10/23/21
Hello Folks, This coming week we have the Pranayama Intensive, part 2. The classes will be held Monday thru Friday from 7-8am EST, and will be…
Published: Thu, 09/30/21
Who remembers this place? :) Hello Folks! I hope this email finds you well. Please find below the schedule for October, including Zoom and in-person…
Published: Tue, 08/31/21
Tuesday, August 31st 2021 Hello Folks, Greetings! My two-week break from teaching is over, and Yoga classes and the fall season kicks off Wednesday,…
Published: Mon, 08/23/21
While on my two-week break from teaching I’ve developed a deep affection for sleep. I’ve also caught up on a few posdcasts, one of them being a recent…
Published: Fri, 08/13/21
Hello Folks, I hope this email finds you well! Just a small reminder that this Sunday will be our last day of classes for August: Primary at 8am and…
Published: Fri, 08/06/21
Hello Folks, We hope this email finds you well! Last week we shipped all of the shirts, but found out today that there was a small glitch in our…