6am-6:30am Ganesh Japa, Instagram
5pm-6pm Slow Evening Yoga, Zoom
New Moon, no classes
6am-6:30am Pranayama, Instagram
7:30-9am Led primary, Zoom
5pm-6pm Slow Evening Yoga, Zoom
6am-6:20am Pranayama, Instagram
7am-8:30am Virtual Mysore Room, Zoom
9am-10am Intro to Ashtanga Yoga, Instagram
6am-6:30am Ganesh Japa, Instagram
7:30-9am Half Primary, Half Intermediate, Zoom
5pm-6pm Slow Evening Yoga, Zoom
8am-9:30am Led Primary, Zoom
10am-11:30am Led Intermediate, Zoom
To sign up for any of these classes, please go to our website on the day of the classes, and the Zoom link and donation button will be live. For the Instagram classes, they will be on Instagram Live, under the name @eddiestern. We look forward to seeing you online, and in person again, one day soon. In the meantime, stay at home if you can!
Right now is a time of great stress, greater than usual. Physiologically, repeated exposure to stress leads to increased fear, and repeated exposure to fear creates panic. Panic leads us to act and think irrationally. All of this is the response of the sympathetic nervous system to threat, either real or perceived. We can see sympathetic overdrive in the behavior of people emptying the shelves of stores of every manner of supplies.
The experts keep saying, "Don't panic," but if you already are in a state of panic, saying don't panic doesn't help much because it's already too late. Panic is contagious, and that is what we've been seeing. However, being a calm presence can also be contagious, and to be a calm presence is to have a quiet mind that is not overreactive. Thankfully, we have many tools available to help us with that, asanas, pranayama and meditation being among those tools. We are self-isolating now for the sake
of others, to slow the spread of the virus, and try to make sure that the health care system is not overwhelmed. At the same time we should also remember to make it our priority to do some daily practice, in order to slow the spread of stress, fear and panic that is sweeping the world, by cultivating a quiet mind in chaotic times.
With love,
Eddie and Jocelyne
PS Remember to wash your hands, all of them!