Hello, Folks!
Happy International Yoga Day!
Regardless of country, culture or color, the practice of yoga has brought a new way of thinking about our lives to countless millions. It carries within its various practices the potential to experience joy, peace, and most importantly, self-understanding. It is a practice that so many are deeply grateful for, and on this day l reaffirm to myself a dedication to practicing and teaching with a sense of awe at the vastness of yoga, and the secrets that it
holds. Gratitude and salutations to the Yogis and Yoginis that have preserved, challenged, and passed on these teachings!
Please find below some updates to our July schedule and summer workshops.
1. Unbinding Perceptions: A talk with Richard Freeman and Eddie: Saturday, June 29th, at The Well, 2 East 15th St. 2pm-4pm. We were able to open up 30 more spaces for this talk, please respond to this email to RSVP.
July classes at Sky Ting Yoga: Our week of classes in Manhattan will begin on Friday July 5th, and end on Wednesday, July 10th. Saturday and Sunday, July 6th and 7th, we will have our annual weekend NYC mini-retreat. You can sign up for the week of classes and include the retreat in it, or simply come to
practice. Please note we are increasing the practice week to six days from five starting from July... yay!
Summer workshops and One Simple Thing events for July include San Diego, Detroit, and Narrowsburg. For August they include China (Chengdu and Shanghai), South Hampton Arts Center, Namarupa Pinebush Retreat, and free outdoor classes at Rockefeller Center (please come for these!). We will not have classes at Sky Ting
in August, but will resume in September.
That's all for now! Jocelyne and I hope that you all have a wonderful summer, and we look forward to seeing you somewhere along the way.
With love,
Eddie and Jocelyne