May 11th, 2023
I'm very excited about two, excellent programs that we will be hosting next week with amazing visiting teachers from India,
as well as the continuation of the Conscious Wellbeing Series with Dr. Deepak Chopra. Come join in, and expand your learnings on health, yoga, and Ayurveda!
Persona, Monday, May 15th. Please join us for a free, engaging discussion with Indian wellbeing and
nutrition thought-leader Luke Coutinho, moderated by Anirudh Kumar, MD. This is a free event, where we will examine nutrition, yoga, meditation, and life style habits in the harmonization of the body-mind-spirit complex. Register here. There is no charge for this program whether you come in person, or attend online, so please do join in!
Conscious Wellbeing, Tuesday, May 16th. My conversations with Dr. Deepak Chopra continue, this month examining
asana from traditional and contemporary perspectives. The in-person tickets are sold out for this month, but please do join on zoom, or sign up for the in-person talks that are coming up over the next 6 months. These talks are an amazing opportunity to hear Dr. Chopra's expanded insights into the limbs of yoga. Sign up here.
Balancing the Mighty Vata, Sunday, June 21st. We are thrilled to host Dr. Vignesh Devaraj for a talk on how to balance vata, and its role in relationships, pain, emotions, prana, mind, and
healing. Dr. Devaraj is a fourth-generation Ayurvedic healer from Kerala, and is an amazing doctor, speaker, and teacher. You can register here (this talk includes a light lunch.)
Thank you, and see you soon,